2000 - 2003: BA Fine Arts Visual Art with Honours SoCA, ECU, WA.
2017: Drift The Vault - Bundaberg Regional Art Gallery, Bundaberg, QLD.
2014: Float PSAS (Pakenham St Art Space), Fremantle, WA.
2012: Look to Sea PSAS (Pakenham St Art Space), Fremantle, WA.
2009: Light Paint + Sponge 2 Moores Building, Fremantle, WA.
2007: Light Paint + Sponge free range gallery, Subiaco, WA.
2005: Light + Paint 2 free range gallery, Subiaco, WA.
2004: Light + Paint free range gallery, Subiaco, WA.
2004: LoSi’s Trial free range gallery, Subiaco, WA.
2003: Black + White Black Box/White Box exhibition space ECU, WA.
2020: FOUND Studio Dog Side Gallery, Red Hill, QLD
2020: FOUND Studio Dog Bundaberg Regional Gallery, QLD
2020: Paper Bag Show Cross Gallery, Bundaberg, QLD
2019: Here and Now Childers Art Space, Childers, QLD
2018: The White Sheet Project Cross Gallery, Bundaberg, QLD.
2017: The Tarpaulin Show Cross Gallery, Bundaberg QLD.
2017: You Me + a Cup of Tea Bundaberg Regional Art Gallery, QLD.
2016: #tag&release Judith Wright Centre Shopfront Gallery, Brisbane, QLD.
2016: #tag&release Bundaberg Regional Art Gallery, QLD.
2015: Girls Girls Girls Spectrum Project Space, ECU, Mt Lawley, WA.
2015: Ocean Collective Kidogo Arthouse, Fremantle, WA.
2013: Touch the Edge PSAS (Pakenham St Art Space), Fremantle, WA.
2010: Off The Wall P.S. Art Gallery, Fremantle, WA.
2010: Riseborough Art Awards Riseborough Art Gallery, Gin Gin, WA.
2009: Mosman Park Art Awards Mosman Park, WA.
2008: Box Bread Box Gallery, Northbridge, WA.
2008: Waterworks Atwell Gallery, Alfred Cove, WA.
2003: Light Box Bread Box Gallery, Northbridge, WA.
2020: FOUND Studio Dog ‘Art Trail’- various locations Bundaberg CBD, QLD
2020: Milbi Magic Mosaics Workshops and consultancy, Archies Beach, QLD
2019: Turtle Trail Mosaic artwork workshops and installation, Kelly’s Beach, QLD
2019: Cavern of Wonders Bundaberg QLD.
2019: Letters Childers Festival, Childers, QLD.
2019: Chinese New Year Lantern Parade Bundaberg, QLD.
2018: Puppy Street art project, Crush Festival, Bundaberg, QLD.
2018: Flowers Street art project, Bourbong St Mall, Bundaberg, QLD.
2018: ‘Dog’ Bundaberg City Council Building, Bundaberg, QLD.
2018: Chinese New Year Lantern Parade Bundaberg, QLD.
2017: Text as Art Telstra Building, Bundaberg, QLD.
2016: 5 Artists 5 Colours 5 Bollards Lions Park, North Bundaberg, QLD.
2010: Riseborough Art Award 2010, Gin Gin, WA.
2002: Painting Studio Award Graduate Exhibition, ECU, Mt Lawley, WA.
Various private collections throughout Australia, Canada and Ireland.